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Kids' Q & A about School Life

Kids' Q & A about School Life

Welcome to the CCUSD iAcademy! 
We are about to begin a very exciting new school adventure. Students will be able to continue their educational journey in a vibrant new way-from any place they have an internet connection. So let's answer a few questions.
Will I have books?
Yes, Text books, novels, and other materials will be sent to you. Grades K-5 have text books and workbooks. Grades 6-12 have online texts. All grade levels will also read various novels.
Typically, assignments will begin online and continued offline.  As the students complete their daily assignments, they will be able to work at their pace, while having additional support when needed.
Will there be enrichment opportunities?
Yes. There are many options within the curriculum for each grade level. Once a student has mastered an objective, there many choices for additional enriching activities.
Do I have 'homework'?
No. Your curriculum is designed to teach you what you need to know, and will make adjustments as needed. When a student completes their allotted time and daily assignments...they are done for the day.
Does my school have a real building?
Yes. You are a part of the CCUSD iAcademy which has a real classroom and computer lab. Parents and Students meet weekly with the Lead Teacher to share work samples, come in for instructional assistance, and other meetings. You will select the work or projects that you want to be on display in the Academy.
Do I get to go on field trips or outings?
Yes, although they will differ slightly from a traditional school. We would like to set up several throughout the year. The parents and students would be responsible for meeting the Lead Teacher at a location. Students would enjoy the experience that makes a connections to what they are learning. Ideally, they would create something that could be published on the Academy's web page...video, power point, virtual post card, image collage...the possibilities are endless! 
So, how is this different from a traditional school ?
This school will let you focus on your learning, without outside distractions. You will receive one-on-one instruction from your Learning Coach, in addition to support and help from the Academy's Lead Teacher. You will be able to use and improve your technology skills daily. This will assist you in becoming even more independent learners. All of this and more will be done from home or anywhere you have an internet connection.
If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to answer them.
e-mail to: [email protected]   Lead Teacher
[email protected]  Principal